Saturday, October 3, 2009


The chapter on character in our textbook covered so much information in few pages. I already know a bit of what character is about, but something I think that's important to understand is that a person can have all the good charisma in the world, but unless a person has the character to back that charisma up, ya got peanuts!

I read the story/poem inside of this chapter and found them a bit confusing. I did however grasp that when diving deeper into a character, for example, like Batman, you have to begin to ask the "why?" not the "what?". When we talk about characters in our everyday lives we think about their mannerisms. We think about what they say, but do we think about why they act that certain way or say those words? Pin pointing exactly what a character is supposed to be like is not the answer. I think that a story with a character that is "outside of the box" leaves more mystery, whereas a character that is "plain or dull" may just not have anything to provide to the overall picture that is the story. What I do think is important is to find out why they act that way and understand the composition of the person rather than the surface of what they are presenting.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lectio Divina

Today was a bad day. So far, this semester has not been extremely pleasant. I'm growing. I'm being stretched. I feel the exact same way about literature. Sometimes we don't want to read certain stories because they are boring, or we might find them to be too complex and over our heads, but the truth words are ever wasted in literature--at least that's what I think. I feel that sometimes the things I don't want to read, or the things I don't want to participate in are the stories/activities that are going to help me grow the most.

So with that said, today before class I was outside just listening to some music and just taking in nature. I was silent. At times I wanted to cry, because of a certain family situation I'm going through, but then other times I was so thankful for what was around me. So, I get up off of the bench and head to class. I sat there for a good twenty minutes in the classroom before anyone else got there and just thought about what Professor Corrigan might have us do for that lesson.

I enjoy this class immensely. I thought the idea to do a Lectio Divina was a superb choice for today. I felt like God knew that I needed that, and maybe for some of my peers...they needed to do that today too. So I just would like to take the opportunity to thank Professor Corrigan for doing this activity today in class.

I really got into what we were reading. Sonny's Blues had been mentioned before in some of my lit classes in high school, but we never went this in depth with it. I feel a DEEP relationship with Sonny. When the story read somewhat to the effect of that the relationship between a musician's instrument and the musician must be torment, I completely understood. I was a musician for TEN years. I miss it everyday. I played flute/piccolo. The way things have lined up in my life, being a musician in college just...wasn't a thought. I was ridiculed in high school for knowing out to play too well, so I purposely started playing badly. Then I found myself behind because I just didn't care anymore. People ripped the passion that I had for music out of my heart. I figured that the passion I had for my music and playing would fade, but it hasn't it's just taken on a different form.

I suppose the new form of my passion is literature. I didn't initially chose to be an English major. Sometimes, I think it choose me. Doing the Lectio Divina today in class makes me even more sure of my major and what I want to pursue. Such emotion built up from me in this story because I could look at it as a mirror of myself rather than a window. Yes, I could see into the story...but I live it almost everyday. I lie in wait, to tell my story.