Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A theme picked out from Godot

Godot. G-O-D-O-T. GO-DOT. All different ways to spell Godot. Funny how one name seems to shape an entire play. A name of a man that NEVER shows up, nonetheless.

I'm going with the concept that "We are not supposed to understand what is going on." When reading the pages of this play I realize that there are meanings weaved in and out of the words on the pages, but it is left up to interpretation. But what if the interpretation is that there is no interpretation? I'm sure the author had it in his mind that after looking over all of his work he probably thought that this was an interesting piece of work. How did it become well known literature? Why are we reading it right now?

Literature is more than a beginning and an ending, it's about a journey. This play is about the journey these two men, DiDi and GoGo go through. Have you ever gone on a joy ride? Have you ever just wanted to go for a drive because you wanted to get away from it all? When doing that, there is no set destination. We just feel our way through the twists and turns of the road. Sometimes there are traffic lights to make us aware of the intersections we are facing, at other times there are absolutely no lights stopping anyone from going anywhere.

Is that what it is like for the men in this play? Is there destination chosen? Sure they know who they are waiting to see, but are they truly looking for a definite person or are they just sitting there for the mere enjoyment of each others company? I think it is a bit of both really.

I used to say to my best friend, "Oh, we'll one day be two old bitties out on our front porches playing chess and sipping on ice tea. Just the two of us." The truth is, we have no idea if that day will ever come. We don't know if we will live that long to have that "dream" come true. What we do have is a vision of what we see for ourselves in the future.

Waiting for Godot is a piece that keeps on creating. Like I said in class, God is still creating and I think this is a simple example of that in our very own hands. This book allows us to fill in the gaps that aren't concrete with ideas. It allows us to mold and shape the characters even further than what the text states.

When reading this I will remember that it's like living a journey, not about seeking a destination.


  1. Good stuff, Brittney! I would definitely agree that this is "a piece that keeps on creating." It does make sense. :)

  2. I really like your first statement. A man that never shows up shapes the whole piece. Good point!
    I like what you said about a journey! It so true, this piece just is - it has no specific being or end - it just is - it is just a journey. Awesome :)
