Wednesday, October 28, 2009


In the upcoming assignment for tomorrow I saw that there is a figure that we are supposed to know named: Lucretius. I found it very interesting that there were little known facts about Lucretius as a person. I suppose in those times, better records where not kept of people. There are six books accredited to him that have to deal with Epicurean philosophy/physics. He wanted to bring those two topics to the Roman public, seeing as he was a Roman of the Hellenistic Period.

In Lucretius' works he says that we have a role in the universe, but without any interference from "the gods". And basically that everyone feeds off of their own humanistic hungers/wants/tendencies in life. That we are somewhat left to our own demise. I really don't agree with his ideas. However I'm sure that his writings gave light to many new aspects of nature and how it is God's creation and not our creation. I firmly believe that we should look toward the Creator and not the creation for total inspiration.

I'm really interested to see where this story of "State of the Planet" takes us. I read a bit up on the fact that it is Pulitzer Prize winning and the author is Robert Haas. I'm really interested to see what the poem is all about and how Lucretius, and Venus interact with this particular text. I look forward to reading this tonight and getting a feel for what may be asked of us in class tomorrow.


  1. I haven't done any research on Lucretius or on the author yet, but I did read the poem and I thought it was fascinating! I really did like it a lot. Hope you get a chance to read it.

  2. I read it right after I posted this, because I wanted to do a bit of research on what he asked us to specifically know about the people/places mentioned in the poem itself. That's why I said I hadn't read it yet.

    The next blog will be on the poem. I also found it to be very good. There's a VERY good reason as to why it is a Pulitzer Prize winning piece of literature! (More comments about the poem to come on the next blog)
